Thursday, April 28, 2011

masuk atau tidak?

di suatu hari...

aku sampai di satu tempat..

cuma aku dan dia di situ..

aku ke depan...

kemudian ke belakang.. ahhh..

tak boleh pulak...

peluh mula membasahi diri aku..

terasa panas sebentar..

lalu aku ke depan semula...

dan ke belakang semula..

yaaa.. akhir nya berjaya juga masuk...

MASUK juga kereta aku dalam tempat parking kat IKEA ptg td!!!

^___^ seronok... tidak terkeluar dari kotak parking..

huhu... actually ada orang lain dekat bahagian penumpang belakang..

iaitu.. kembar aku.. dan dua kawan aku... which is.. farah e dan fathul..

depan ada aku dan dia..


Thursday, April 21, 2011

perkataan2 kasar yg selelu aku tuturkan

aku rasa semua orang ada hak mahu guna apa sahaja perkataan yang mereka mahu..
aku tak halang orang lain menggunakan f**k.. s**t.. damn.. fugly..
itu hak mereka..

aku sendiri selalu menggunakan perkataan2 sebegitu..
ye itu bukan adat melayu..
tapi itu adlah tabiat aku..
senang mengunakan perkataan seperti di atas..

wtf.. wth... s**t, f**k, baka(bodoh), ba**, si**..
those words always comes out smoothly from the mouth..
i cant help by saying it..


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

talent a.k.a bakat..

okie.. as for today i would like to write about TALENT..

do u know what's the meaning of talent?
well.. if people ask me for my opinion about it..

I will answer...
talent is a gift from our creater..
he made and gave it to the chosen's people all around this whole big world..
we didn't ask for a talent.. we didn't work to get a talent.. we just dont have to do nothing to get it alright..

it was all made of by the creater of us.. ALLAH.. who create who we are.. and what talents does we all have in person..

some people were given a talent in an art.. such as designing stuff..
some people were given a talent in singing, acting, writing a song etc..
some people were given an extremely genius and great brain for them to create some cool stuff..

we cant even deny the power of talent.. but wait...
who says.. that a person cant be great if they are not given a talent on what they want to do..
work hard, ideas, never give up, always look forward, always get up and and start again from the beginning if we lose or fail..

that's will make u grown up and slowly brought u to become a lot more better and great person in future.. without talents too.. people can still survive..

i 'am an art and design student who love art so damn much.. but at the same time..
i really really love to sing when ever i'm free and out of assignment or task..
i didn't say that i have such a great voice for people to listen..
but.... it's one of my passion in life!! i always wanted to sing and let's everyone listen to me when i'm singing a song..
there's a few people that's inspired me..

such as the whole glee cast who can sing so damn well and impress everyone.. rachel, fin, kurt, brittany, sam, mercedez, quinn and etc..

the other is Najwa Latif and Dian Hazwani and pina musa..
okie... these three girls are younger then me and yet they impress me so well with their super nice voice!!!
najwa comes from batu pahat and dian comes from Singapore and pina comes from putrajaya.. :)
i'am insanely love their great great voice and talents..
i absolutely wanted to be like them..

i mean.. i wanted to sing so bravely and cool just like them..
they sing song well.. i'm quiet jealous with them.. i mean.. who wouldn't? right...
but i change my jealousy feeling into an inspirations... yes.. they inspired me a lots!!
thx for inspiring me..

i just love to sing and write a song..
still in progress.. at least i do not have a bad voice to sing.. i guess so..
but i dont really care about others..

people with talents.. move on and live your dream...
with no talent or with talent... live and chase your dream.. make it happen no matter what..

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

di sini i wanted to share what i feel actually..
dulu masa sekolah aku pernah kena pulau..
kena buli... teruk gak la..
sakit nye di hati... mmg tak boleh cakap la..
tapi ak taw.. ini dugaan buat aku..
allah mahu uji kita.. boleh tak kita hadapi dugaan sekecl ini sebnarnya..

di uni pon ak pernah kena macam2..
sebenarnya aku pon penat.. macam2 dah kena..
semua tu dugaan bagi aku..
aku tak mampu menolak..
aku tabah kan diri aku...
menghadapi semua nya..

aku rindu kenangan berkawan di uni time dip dulu..
aku rindu gelak tawa.. gurau2.. saat sedih hepi aku bersama kawan2 dulu..
aku sebenarnya terasa mahu menegur mereka semula.. cuma aku tak punyai keberanian..
ya.. aku mmg pengecut.. aku takot teguran aku tidak di dengari oleh mereka..
aku takot di sisih kan semula..
jadi berdiam sahaja yg aku mampu lakukan..
thanks kepada kawan2 ku dahulu..
always be there.. always gave me an opinion about something..

mungkin aku bersalah pada mereka... jadi aku mintak maaf seikhlas hati kepada kamu..
aku betul-betul minta maaf..

aku pernah terserempak dengan kamu di stesen minyak.. secara jujur..
aku rasa sangat seronok dapat lihat kamu diluar uni..
aku terasa seperti nak tegur.. tapi hancur hati ku..
bila pandangan lain yang aku dpt lihat waktu itu..
terus aku lupa kan niat ntok menegur.. hati ku terlampau sakit waktu itu..

aku punyai terlampau banyak masalah sekarang... T_T
it's hard to handle those problem when u have more problem comes to u almost everyday day..
ya allah.. terlampau berat dugaan mu kepada ku..
ku mohon perkuat kan lah hati ku utk
ku hadapi segalanya dengan tenang..