Tuesday, January 19, 2010

honey sempai

just simply trace this pic again...
coz i love honey sempai character.. kawaii desu nee...

Friday, January 8, 2010


**TIT TIT... U GOT 1 NEW EMAIL...** (01/04/09) 8 am
**Jenny place..**

for my lovely gf..
i love u.. i know that we'll last 4 eva baby gurl..
BUT.. now.. i'm kinda feels like... ermm..

i'm sick of it..
i'm sick of u.. u make me feels.. aahh
we have been together 4 a long time..
but baby gurl.. i think we need some space now..

maybe we should take a break for a while..
i dont hate u.. but.. yea..
need some space..

love... mike

the gurl ran off her room..
crying.. screaming..
call for her bf..
texting him....
but sadly.. no answer for the gurl..

a few hours later...

the gurl was found dead by a car accident..
it's not her fault..
cant even imagine how bad is it..

that night...
the family members of the dead gurl..
leave a comment in every acc she have...
saying that she's not belong to the world anymore...
she's gone..

a lots of ppl responded for the sad comment..
her friends.. teachers.. etc...

**TIT TIT... U GOT 1 NEW EMAIL...** (01/04/09) 7 pm
***Mike place*

hey mike.. it's me..

Jenny's brother... John

sorry to inform u this late at nite..
ermm.. jenny's not with us anymore..
she's gone..
she doesnt belong to us and the world anymore..
she had an accident today..
she ran off the our house sadly.. screaming.. crying.. calling and texting some1..
idk who's she texting to..
please pray for her and let her R.I.P... 4 eva..

**TIT TIT... U GOT 1 NEW EMAIL...** (01/04/09) 7.30 pm

**Jenny place**

hey John.. ermmm... it's me Mike...
ermmmmm. omg.. my gf are gone...
she's not in this world anymore..
omg.. what have i done with my silly April fool joke..
omg.. omg.. forgive me what i have done..
it was a joke for her.. my lovely baby gurl..
owh shit.. now we lost her 4 eva..

dear baby gurl.. please...
R.I.P.. idk it will effect u badly..
now i know.. you love me so much..
ilysmd.. baby gurl..

if i can make a wish..
i wish u will be back..
here for me...
for eva.. but there's no miracle in this world..

wait for me baby gurl..
i know.. i wont love anyone but u.. from now on...
i know.. i wont forget u...
i know u'll never forgive me..


p/s... I LOVE YOU JENNY....

heaven.. we'll we be there??


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

cinta sejati ni macam hantu..
bukan semua orang jumpe..
TAPI...... TAK bermaksud ianya X wujud kan...

yea.. i wanna meet a true love..
but.. true love kills actlly...
so.. do u really think we should seek for it more now??

LOL.. idk bout that now..

Friday, January 1, 2010

Antara secebis keajaiban.. mimpi… realiti.. n impian..

Antara secebis keajaiban.. mimpi… realiti.. n impian..

Now da 2010… tahun 2009.. memang besh aa.. ade suka.. duka.. mimpi.. impian.. realiti.. Semua tu akhirnya jd pengalaman untuk ak. Kadang2 ak marah, sakit hati.. happy.. menangis macam nak gilak..
So now ak nak tutup diari 2009.. bia jd kenangan n pengalaman..

Ok.. Tahun 2010.. azam ak.. nak carik secebis keajaiban.. ak nak kumpul cebisan2 keajaiban dalam tahun ni.. kumpul sikit demi sikit.. Lama2 jd banyak kan.. mst besh.. Pieces of MIRACLE.. please..
Let me get u one by one… I just wanna be happy.. ( miracle.. miracle.. come to me.. ) *I’m whispering it to the stars now* ok now we’re moving to another one..

Mimpi.. realiti.. n impian.. mimpi nak dapat semua yg ak nak.. nak dapat keta mini cooper la.. result

gempak.. dpt byk dwet.. semua yg ak nak tu.. HANYA MIMPI kalo ak x usahe dr skrg.. MIMPI Xkan jd

Kalo kite x usahe ok.. DREAMS COMES TRUE?? Hah? Pe 2 hah? Ye la 2.. sng2 je jd realiti..

Realiti adelah 1 word yg maksod nye kite kena hadapi betol2.. Impian lak?? Same j mcm mimpi meh..

Xkan dpt kalo x usahe.. IMPIAN bt ak trus ke depan.. mmg ak akui.. sometimes agak maen2, tp ble ak igt

psl mimpi.. impian n realiti sebenar hidup kite ni.. ak ckp kt diri ak.. ko kena usahe ntok dpt kan pe yg ko

nak kan selame ni.. Ak nak secebis keajaiban dlm hidup ak.. Ak nak mimpi n impian ak jd realiti..
so.. korang lak camne azam thun ni?? Hehe.. anyway, TTYL ok..